Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Weak Stomachs Refrain

Well, this is not really how it happened. Unfortunately I did not get them all, but here they go, with the commentary I have time to put up right now.

This is the top left side, molar (g14, I believe) with a temporary filling.

This is after the temporary filing had been removed to continue the root canal. Here, I am all strapped up, so you see the plastic making an impression of sorts over my other tooth.

Here we continue with the same molar, stripped of its filling, staring you in the face. Well, it feels better now than before. This is actually during the root canal that they took these shots. They have a tiny camera, about the size of a pen, and you get to see this stuff on a flat screen TV in front of you!

These next two show the cement that holds in the medication and coagulant that keep you from bleeding all over the place and clean the infection (which is a big part of the root canal). I have no idea what the little brace there on the bottom is.

TOMORROW! The rebuilding of a tooth....my personal favorite.

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