Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Current reading flurry

Just read a pretty cool book called Deep Survival, which is an interesting look at who survives and how the human brain functions in crisis. Read an autobiography of Gandhi "My Experiements in Truth". Pretty good, although I need to read a true history of it. Sticking with the biography phase (why??? It all started with Einstein in Korea)I am reading the biography of Richard Feynman, who is someone I've always wanted to know more about. Hopefully I will finish this monster up and then read the other, more famous one Surely, You're Joking, Mr. Feynman. Anyway, it is good to read this one, because it explains a good deal of the science he was doing.
A little quote that made me laugh regarding the religious beliefs of different physicists of the 30's and 40's:
"Einstein's piety was sincere but neutral, acceptable even to the vehemently antireligious Dirac, of whom Wolfgang Pauli once complained, 'Our friend Dirac, too, has a religion, and its guiding principle is 'There is no God and Dirac is His prophet.'"
If you don't find this funny, maybe I am spending a little too much time in my own mind. Anyway, I laughed histerically at it. Enjoy.

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