Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Some photos to start us off

Well, a bit ironic that I had Greg, Swiss camera toter, to send a DVD full of pictures to me only to post them on the WWW (^^), but here it is. A few to start off, and then I will be posting randomly, so check and see every once in a while.

Here are two landscape photos that capture what we saw in Laos. These are near Vang Vieng, which was a complete tourist trap, but a good time and, as you can see, a tourist trap for a reason...beautiful scenery.

Hiking through the rice paddies, on our way to a restaurant that barely functions anymore. We ate some sticky rice full of ants with some soup with flowers in it, which was a little bit better than the ant soup. Below, Luang Prabang at the breakfast haunt. This wasn't the best, but the view of the Mekong was cool, so we kept going back.

Biking and hiking...and funky little bridges. More on bridges in a later post.

The bearer of the light. A little battery with a light. Mine wasn't leaking acid, which was an advantage. Aaron wasn't so lucky ^^.

Vang Vieng and the surrounding caves. I was caved out after that day, but it was cool. Hotel view on the top left.

Finish off with a few winding roads that are so typical of Laos. Miss it. After looking at these, I want to go back. Soon enough.

1 comment:

rhoops said...

Where to begin. . . . . . these are the fuckin' pics i've been waiting for. man.

i think you know the longing/hopefulness/exasperation/desire/excitement, etc., that was expressed in that three letter word. i cannot wait to get back.