Saturday, December 05, 2009

Back on the blog

This is the singer we have gone to see every night,. They are really good. Sort of Thai folk songs. At this point in the night I was worse for wear from whiskey, but was fun.
Earlier that day, we went to slide down these cables from tree to tree. I cannot say how amazing it was. I would do it ten times a day if I could. A little scary, though. Like I said, the videos do not show how high up it is.

Breakfast view.

Crazy moon. I have some better ones. Will try to post those later.

So, the thing is 35 meters up (although I could swear it was higher). You start out low and just practice. Then you go up a bit can see Nok climbing the ladder up one of the trees around 45 seconds. Where the ladder starts is already way up there, so you can imagine. Huge Elephants looked about the size of my cellphone, haha.
I was ok, I think especially after the rock climbing Scott and I did. But I just made sure that I was very mechanical in following what the guy said, since I really didn't want to plummet to my demise there. ^^ I thought Nok would be scared, but she said that after the roller coaster in Korea, this was nothing. So funny, all the Thai girls who she talked to before asked her if she wouldn't be scared. They wouldn't go.
The best thing was the second to last jump, where there is just this huge tree on the other side. It must be a hundred years old, and I remember looking at it supporting the cable. Amazing. Too bad the rides only last like 20 seconds.
Scoot, if you come here, we are getting a hotel next door to this place and going every day, hahaha.

1 comment:

DK said...
