Saturday, October 01, 2005

Resigned to Being a Resident of Seoul

Ok, today is the beginning of me giving up. For one, I am, at least temporarily giving up fighting the fact that I actually do live in Seoul. I have spent the last three years viewing it as a place I just stop by to work, but now I am submitting to its power over me and calling my self a long-termer. Hopefully this will last only until February, but it has its ways of bringing me back.
Also, I am giving up on my fight against starting a blog.....Have thought about it before and resisted. Blogs piss me off, and I usually cannot stand reading them (even the "good" ones). Now, thinking of all the emails that I would love to send and never do, at least not to everyone I want, I decided to make this and you all can come by and check it when you are wondering what I am up to. Supposedly.
So, we shall see if this really works. I have a little time this weekend, so maybe it will take off, maybe it will die.
Since I refuse to write anymore tonight, I leave you with some lemurs, which are always good to start a new thing off on the right path, and a komodo dragon, which is always good for finishing things.

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