Thursday, May 04, 2006

Muy Thai

Well, these are photos of the one and only Muy Thai match. Was pretty good, I will leave it at that. Yours truly imbibed some beers and ate a papaya salad. The kicks were hard and the blood ran freely (not really, about the blood). I do not understand why some of the flash pictures came out so well and others were blurry, when I was trying to use the same settings in the situiation...well, I am sure Harris will tell me.
Here they go--the two blurries. (More coming soon).


Guy on the left was the Thai section of the last, and main, fight. He loved posing and he was tough.
Above are the gamblers, following the action closely.


hoops said...

for some reason i can click on homeboy and see the full size pic. . . but i can't with the gamblers. . .

TIJAX said...

Yeah, I am not sure why that is...anyway, will try to fix, but other, much better pictures are pending...