Thursday, July 13, 2006

Doing doing Ching ching ching ching ching ching....

Ran through the Chinese district here in Chiang Mai, and was pleased to revisit my Chinese opera. Was on my way to a fight, so could not stay long, but managed to get a few pics. Where is Lan when you need her? WWWoooo bbbuuuuu xxxiiihhhhuuuaaannn wwwaaaaiii gggooouuuu rrreeeeennn !!!!! ching ching ching ching ching ching........


harris said...

LAN! I wonder where she is now.

Maybe I will google her. I am sure she is doing something insane.

hoops said...

i guess you finally decided to develop some pictures while you were over there and put them on the interweb. . . congrats. . .

Cyberpuf said...

Okay, I'm at - not that there's anything really interesting on it yet. I'm still trying to figure out how to link things too.

I was curious about this picture - this wouldn't be a scene from Farewell My Concubine would it?

harris said...

whoa, perhaps lan has found us.....

TIJAX said...

no, that is a friend of mine through my dice....hahaa

harris said...

yeah, I had already figured that out.