Sunday, August 13, 2006

wrong, but so funny

Look carefully at the sign the boy is carrying. Laugh. Explanation below.

April 2004: This image, which was widely circulated on the internet, shows a U.S. Marine posing for a photo with two Iraqi children while holding a sign reading "Lcpl Boudreauk killed my Dad then he knocked up my sister". Boudreauk claims that this image was tampered with from the original, in which the sign read "Welcome Marines". A military investigation into potential wrong-doing was inconclusive. It remains unclear if this image is authentic.
Got this from an interesting look at image manipulation by someone at Dartmouth.

1 comment:

Winters said...

glad you got a giggle from "spewed forth" the nationstates can be a casual thing, or highly addictive. i've been playing on and off for a couple years. right now i'm playing with a couple buddies in the states. its a nice time waster.

even if that picture isnt real, i'm sure the events are, if not in that case, then in plenty of others. urban war is some nasty shit. but, i got one of those
"Oh..uh Hoh Hoh!" laughs out of it.
stay in peace.