Sunday, September 23, 2007

Go Monks

Finally a protest that seems to have caught the country by surprise and might do something in Burma (Myanmar). We will have to wait and see if this turns into a much wider national movement or if the junta feels so powerful that it can slaughter monks as it has been slaughtering its people slowly (and less slowly in other cases).
Still, thousands of monks out marching through the rain to protest the gvernement it pretty tough to put down. Yesterday they even stopped by to see Aung San Suu Kyi, who is still under house arrest. Anyone who has been to SE Asia knows how revered the monks are. Burma is no exception, so let's keep our hopes up that this might be the stimulus for a larger change. Some pretty dramatic statements by some groups who seem ready to stand up to this government once and for all.

Here are some photos I snatched from the web. Check out these and more on <>, an opposition site based in India.

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