Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Tooth with the Bamboo Stuffing

Well, I know everyone (except me, of course) is sick of looking at my teeth. I swear I cannot get enough, and I will be glad to have them on the site to gaze at from time to time. In an effort to be done with all this, I post for you the x-rays and some root canal photos. Make sure you look at the last one. It is so trippy looking, like they stuck bamboo shoots up the hole in my tooth. I cannot stare at it too long. Any theories about that? I think it is making room for the posts you will see in the x-ray, but that's just a guess. Meanwhile, gaze away.

Here are the best of the x-rays. I am too lazy to format this, so just look ^^.


hoops said...

hey champ, how's it goin'? you need some anamadversions, eh? well the teeth definitely look interesting. . . like they are preparing your teeth for some intergalactic settlement where quark sized lifeforms reside in day-glo spiraling towers within your mouth. let me know what you end up charging for rent and weather or not said organisms hail from Jupiter (just a hunch). . . cheers. . .

hoops said...

mr. bedell. . . where are you. . . ?