Thursday, June 29, 2006

Long Live Russia

Finally, with what was now open disrespect, the colonel from headquarters started questioning the Corps Commander about his plan for the next day.

Plan! There was something so un-Russian about the word. What plan?
--from Solzhenitsyn's August 1914

Bonus Question: Anybody know why chapter 22 was removed by the author? I know what the chapter is about and where it is now, but why was it taken out in the first place? You have too much time on your hands or you know your Russian emigre authors too well if you can answer this. ^^


Cyberpuf said...

Hey dude! I went and checked out 1914 since I saw it here. I'll have to get back to you when I finish it and perhaps you can tell me about chapter 22?? I'm having trouble getting my blog to go. It won't let me type anything. I'll let you know when it's up so you can link and read my nonsense if you want to. Loved the root canal. Been there done that, didn't get any pics tho!

-Jonele (St. Johns, ask your mom if you forgot... :-)

TIJAX said...

Well, if you visit this again, since I can't write on your blog, I will leave this here....
I don't know why you can't write ... bizarre...You just go to "create post" or "new post" and it opens up a text editor.
Well, the book might not be that interesting for you. I didn't expect it to be so much military stuff, but it turned out to be interesting. Remember, it is a trilogy, and if you are like me, it means constantly having the feeling that you should finish the other two...
Chap 22, apparently, is a sort of sketch of someone similar to Lenin, living abroad, and it is very critical of him. It was placed in another book (I have forgotten the name) that is still available. I just can't figure out why he took it out to begin with. My edition says "Chapter 22 has been removed at the author's request." Just strange to me, but I am sure if you get a better edition than I have, there will be an explanation.
Anyway, once you get your blog up, let me know and I will come look...

SteveReed said...

You are right about it being about Lenin - I think Solzhenitsyn published a book called Lenin in Geneva which contains the chapter that was removed along with chapters from one of the other books in the trilogy.