Sunday, July 23, 2006

Marijuana makes you smarter?

A hilarious paragraph from an article in Slate about an experiment to see if pot smoking rats were more likely to become addicted to heroin. Well, turns out the stoned rats were taking more heroin, but this paragraph reveals the strange (and unexpected?) reason for their increased comsumption:
Hurd (the researcher) says that because the marijuana-exposed rats demonstrated this heightened sensitivity, she expected them to be more motivated in pursuing the drug. But they weren't. The control rats paced their cages and repeatedly pressed the active bars even when the light indicating availability wasn't on. The pot rats, on the other hand, figured out that the heroin was available only at certain times, and that pacing and tapping the bar incessantly wasn't worth the trouble. When heroin was available, the marijuana rats took more of it. But when it wasn't, they chilled in the corner.
So, I guess discernment and some chill pills get you further than anxiety. Anyway, hope all find this as funny as I do.

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