Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mr. President, are you reading this?

Probably not. It is exactly what he needs to have a look at though. This week Doonesbury has been right on, so I thought I would post them.....Gary Trudeau can't sue me, right????? I didn't make these...he did, and you can go to his site here. Always sketched about what I can just rip off of other pages.
Anyway, enjoy. I am off to an undisclosed location that is not Thailand. Will follow up on that later. Hoops, you happy?


Winters said...

i linked yer blog. i think the translation is correct. "Suicide by Fire"? dig it.

TIJAX said...

Yes, otherwise known as "self-immolation". Very good. I am impresed with your skills, young skywalker.
Used to be my handle on various online games, most notably Counter Strike in Korea, where I was infamous (on one server out of thousands). You could type Korean in Roman letters, so I could actually type fast enough to contribute to what passes for conversation in those online shoot-em-ups.
Later, for Wolfenstein ET, changed it to self-immolator. Keeping that one for all online gaming purposes.

Winters said...

actually, i am not that good; google language tools told me, but its not always reliable. i commented on hoop's blog, i might have to name our gang of midwestern expats "the immolators". there'll be four of us, all from central IL, by october. we'll roam the streets unchallenged... with our slight southern accents, simian jawlines and unruly facial hair!