Tuesday, September 19, 2006

2Pac and kids

Above, or left, depending o the whims of blogger and your browser, playing a game.... run!!!!!
I am so angry at this blog site for its messy layout tools that I am rejecting formatting completely and just letting this post evolve as it may.

These are the kids at the dumpsite. Pretty cool little guys. Work picking up trash day and night, and when they have some cash or rice, they go to school. The NGO next door serves 480 families, I believe, trying to get them trained to do other things and get them to school.

Notice the kid with the 2Pac hat. I have another one where he is smiling, but I won't post it out of spite.

Also, you can see the smoke a burnin'. I assume this is stuff they cannot sell, so they are making room for the next loads. More soon. Too lazy for more today.

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