Thursday, August 17, 2006

Siem Rape

or at least that is what it should be called. The place is infested with tourists and reeks of commercialism. I seriously preferred Phnom Penh. I doubt I will be back unless someone just begs me to go with them, but I doubt it.
Once I got over that, the place was ok, but I wasn't that excited about it. There were a few "wow" moments, but I still think Tikal was prettier.
I guess the coolest thing about Angkor and the surrounding temples, which is actually kind of sad, is the fact that these ruins are really in ruins. So, you walk among things that are completely deteriorating, which lends the place a bit of mystery.
Now everyone can lambast me for not loving Angkor, but all the better. I leave this place for those package tour folks to revisit year after year. That said, the people in Siem Reap are great.
That is my superficial report over this slow connection.

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