Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thoughts before departing

Not about Cambodia, though. Just inspired by conversations I had here. Was talking with Miwa. Eric, if your African connection allows you to view this, I know you will freak out when you realize she used to work at Messhuga's, which was so much crazy fun back in the day, although many reports say it sucks now. Oh well, remember and forge on.
During the conversation we ended up talking about blogs, and I remembered going to a site that I reached somehow through Hoops' site. Benjamin, Hoops, somebody knows The Git. Not sure who. Or, you can go to my favorite story on the site: the Ballad of Carl Wilson. Anyway, just an example of something great found through these blogs. Might put a permanent link on it.
One last thing, has anyone got the scoop on these 911 photos? Interesting, just don't know what the story is behind them coming out. Worth a look if you have time.

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