Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Driver friends in Phnom Penh

Here is a good pic of my motorbike driver friends in Phnom Penh. These guys are out every day looking for work. Busses show up and they are there trying to get a rider. Most of the time the busses empty and they don't get a fare.
Doesn't stop them, though. They stick around and wait for the next bus.
The guy in the fatigues is a police officer. He was cool and was one of the people who helped me mangle my way through a bit of Cambodian. Too bad you can't see his machine gun--although I was never sure if it was loaded or not.

1 comment:

hoops said...

sept. 20th and he still bloggeth away. . . i'm glad to see there wasn't any truth to the "4 day governmental shutdown of telecomunications and internet". . . or do you think it still may happen? that law about not buying beer at 7/11 has to suck. . . did the fuckin' republicans take over Thailand as well and just not tell us about it? Oh, well, at least someone has kicked 'em out for the time being, let's just hope the removal of the military goes just as easily as it came.