Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thialand Number 1 ?!?!?!

Just something I saw the other day to add a bit of statistical background to the immigration issue with Nok. Apparently, Korea has deported more people this year than last year, and Thais top the list!!! So, of the 8, 700 some odd deportees, like 3,000 something were Thai. That explains a lot.
The link above is to a horribly written summary in the Korean Times, which is famous for poor editing, and it is actually quite a gem of a piece. I think it was actually an AP or Reuters piece, but they just copied it and called it their own. Well, so it goes in Korea. What it means in the last paragraph is that the largest number (around 6,000) were denied entry because they didn't present a clear reason for coming, which is the category Nok would have fit into. Anyway, my Chinese and Mongols are up there on the list, too!! Not to mention Bangladesh.

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