Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The update

Well, a slowdown on the blogging front. Work has been a killer. Things are going well, but I seem to be consumed with work. Mostly, it is probably the contrast with my last 8 months.
Classes are going well--I have really interesting stuff to go through now: I am teaching Brave New World in a literature class. Next book is Waste Land, followed by Pygmalion and, oh yes, the Great Gatsby. I also have a history class, which is cool, as it gives me a chance to brush up. Of course, there is too much material to cover in such a short time, but it is great to go over it and focus on the interesting bits as much as possible.
The appartment has been found and rented. It is nice to have a place to go back to that isn't cold and full of noisy people who get angry at you when you make a little noise. We are cooking up lots of Thai food and eating well. I found an international food market that has lots of great food from everywhere, even the stinky fermented fish (oh jess).
Well, off for now, but will be posting pics later.... Take care, all, and merry Christmas.

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