Thursday, August 10, 2006

I stink

Well, if only I had a digital camera....
Dare to dream. Anyway, I would post the photos now, but they are on a roll of film. Today I went and rolled around in the trash and shit. Well, not rolled, but walked on it. Went to a dump where people live and work. they pick up trash and haul it off to factories to be recycled. Some is burned. Smoke is everywhere, as well as all the trash you can imagine and more, plus loads of what I assume is cow shit. Horrible conditions for these people, and I cannot imagine what kind of health problems they must have, especially the children. They are there working as well.
So, I interviewed one guy working for an NGO that is trying to provide education to the children and vocational training to the adults. Many come from the countryside and have no other way to make a living. I was there for a total of about 2 hours, but only mayube 45 minutes in the trash. the rest of the time was just next to it where the NGO is housed.
So, that is what I am doing in Phnom Penh. Pretty crazy to many, but I am having a blast. I go back tomorrow and try to finish. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

hoops said...

"Well, if only I had a digital camera. . ." should read, "Well, if only I had listened to Hoops. . ." just thought I'd fix that for ya.


other than that the dump sounds like the shit. . . i once wrote a song about falling in love with a "dumpster girl" maybe i'll have to resurrect that one. . .